Tag Archives: Syrian Refugees

Xenophobic Speech Against Syrian Refugees!

I really don’t understand those racist statements against the Syrian refugees, especially from the republican candidates. Maybe it’s not a big deal, but I am just trying to see the motive before I archive it with the two hundred zillion things I don’t understand..

– The US has accepted 1,854 Syrian refugees ONLY so far. That’s like what every neighborhood in Lebanon/Jordan/Southern Turkey has received! They were checked by the US for 18-24 months before being admitted (some of them for even a longer period). Who can’t tell if someone is a terrorist after checking them for more than two years!! For example, you might meet someone for the first time tonight, date for six months, move in together for another six months, get married after a year, and decide to have a baby with that person, while the Syrian refugee is still being checked by the US gov (with all its capabilities) to see if he/she is a terrorist or not .

– NONE of Paris attackers was Syrian. Actually none of any terrorist attack in Europe or the US ever was Syrian. And of course even if that happened, you can’t punish a nation because of few criminals!

– The US provides very little benefits for the refugees. The Syrian community in the US is taking the responsibility to take care of its new members. And I am sure those 1,854 costed the US less than launching few Tomahawk cruise missiles (each costs about $1.4 million).

– Anyone who read one article about ISIS knows that ISIS is not a Syrian organization. People came from all around the world and they have been killing Syrians for three years. The Islamic State was established in 2006, long before the Syrian conflict and by non Syrians to counter the US invasion of Iraq.

– Syrians have been asking for help for three years, the UN and everyone else failed them. The weak strategy of the US and Obama’s false red lines contributed directly to the misery of every Syrian’s life. Not to mention the chaos the US made in Iraq which created a vacuum to the first generation of ISIS there.

People don’t dream about becoming “refugees”. They only choose that when they run out of all other possibilities . The number of refugees around the world is an indication of the failure of the whole international system. I hope Syrians won’t be the new victims of this xenophobic speech which targeted number of groups before, starting from Catholics to Hispanics to Jews to Muslims..